2017-2018 Summer Biodiversity Snapshot – Cootes to Escarpment EcoPark System BioBlitz

The Cootes to Escarpment EcoPark System aims to put on a variety of events to promote education and scientific research within its boundaries. With support from the Canadian Wildlife Federation and TD Friends of the Environment, the 2017 and 2018 BioBlitz brought together taxonomic experts and the public (citizen scientists) together to inventory all species within EcoPark System partners properties. These events were held in late July.

What is a BioBlitz? A BioBlitz brings together taxonomic experts, citizen scientists and the general public to inventory all species (plants, animals, fungi, and more) in a particular area over a 24-hour period. Participants record all the organisms they find, and then experts verify their identity. As the Blitz proceeds and after it is done, the species records are compiled into a single data set; the species list, which provides a snapshot of the biodiversity in that location on that date.

In the summer of 2017 and 2018, participants recorded and verified individual species into a database that provides a snapshot of the biodiversity in that area that can impact management and policy making. iNaturalist was used to compile data from the BioBlitz. A collection project called, “Cootes to Escarpment BioBlitz 2018”, was created and shared with the attendees so that data could be uploaded in one place. The most identified species were birds, plants, and insects.

37 observers identified 1078 species in 2017
70 observers identified 651 species in 2018


Wildlife Corridor Analysis


2019 Biodiversity Snapshot – Cootes to Escarpment Fell Festival and BioBlitz